Friday 7 July 2023

When We Don't Fall Even When We Stumble: Unlocking the Power of Prayer and Remembrance

 "When we don't fall even when we stumble, we don't feel pain, when we understand that when God has made our prayers and remembrance of names around us, this is the security shield, that is why pain, supplication, crisis do not reach us, that is, God is making us pray for ourselves and not for him."


 When We Don't Fall Even When We Stumble: Unlocking the Power of Prayer and Remembrance


In this fast-paced and often challenging world, it is essential to find inner strength and solace. Many of us experience moments of stumbling or facing difficulties, but what if there was a way to navigate through life's obstacles with resilience and grace? In this article, we will explore the transformative power of prayer and the significance of remembrance in shielding us from pain, supplication, and crises. By understanding the connection between our prayers, remembrance, and the divine, we can unlock a sense of security and elevate our spiritual journey.

 The Power of Prayer

Prayer has long been recognized as a powerful tool for self-reflection, communication with the divine, and finding solace in times of distress. It allows us to express our deepest desires, seek guidance, and find peace within ourselves. When we engage in prayer, we create a direct connection with the divine, transcending the limitations of the physical world.


Prayer serves as a source of strength, allowing us to release our worries, fears, and burdens.
It is a moment of surrender, where we acknowledge our vulnerabilities and trust in a higher power. Through prayer, we invite divine intervention and open ourselves to receiving blessings, protection, and guidance.

The Significance of Remembrance

Remembrance is an integral aspect of our spiritual practice. When we remember the names of the divine, we create a shield of security around us. It is through this act of remembrance that we establish a profound connection with the divine, allowing us to tap into their boundless grace and protection.

By actively recalling and reciting the names of God, we bring the divine closer to our hearts. This constant remembrance fortifies our spiritual journey, shielding us from pain, supplication, and crises. As we immerse ourselves in the divine names, we become more attuned to the limitless power and unconditional love that surrounds us.

 Understanding Divine Guidance

In times of difficulty, it is essential to recognize that God is making us pray for ourselves and not for Him. This realization shifts our perspective and allows us to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. When we stumble, we understand that it is a part of our journey, designed to strengthen our character and deepen our faith.

God's guidance manifests in various ways, often through subtle signs and synchronicities. When we cultivate a mindful and receptive state, we become attuned to these divine interventions. The answers to our prayers may not always come in the form we expect, but they are always aligned with our highest good.

Embracing Resilience and Faith

To outrank the limitations and adversities that life presents, we must cultivate resilience and unwavering faith. Resilience allows us to bounce back from setbacks, while faith fuels our determination to persevere. When we combine the power of prayer, remembrance, and a steadfast belief in the divine's plan, we create an unshakable foundation for our spiritual and emotional well-being.

Embracing resilience and faith does not mean that we will never encounter challenges. Rather, it equips us with the strength and courage to face them head-on. With each stumble, we rise stronger, armed with the knowledge that the divine is always with us, guiding us along the path.


In conclusion, prayer and remembrance hold immense transformative power in our lives. When we wholeheartedly engage in prayer, we establish a direct line of communication with the divine
, inviting their blessings and guidance. Simultaneously, remembrance acts as a shield of security, enveloping us in the divine's love and protection.

By understanding that God is making us pray for ourselves and not for Him, we shift our perspective and embrace the challenges that come our way. We recognize that stumbling is a part of our journey, allowing us to grow, learn, and strengthen our faith. Through resilience and unwavering faith, we navigate life's obstacles with grace and determination.

Incorporating the power of prayer and remembrance into our daily lives empowers us to face hardships and adversities. It brings us closer to our true selves and the divine, providing solace, peace, and a sense of purpose. As we embrace the transformative potential of prayer and remembrance, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and spiritual growth.




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