Saturday 23 September 2023

The Art of Contentment: Finding Intrinsic Happiness

 " Those who are praiseworthy are happy in the hands of others, but those who are content are intrinsically happy. "


The Art of Contentment

We are frequently reminded of the significance of being commendable, looking for validation, and aiming for success in a world that frequently celebrates outward accomplishments. While receiving praise and admiration from others can undoubtedly make us happy, there is a more profound and enduring kind of contentment that comes from within. This is the practise of contentment, the path to genuine inner happiness. 

The Pursuit of Praise

The Art of Contentment

Many of us are trained to look for affirmation and praise from others from a young age. We are taught that how others perceive us determines our value, and we frequently judge our success based on the praise and adulation we receive. We frequently experience joy in this pursuit of praise when our efforts and accomplishments are recognised.

The Fragility of External Validation

The Art of Contentment

While receiving acknowledgement and compliments from others can undoubtedly increase our sense of self and produce momentary happiness, it is inherently brittle. It is dependent on outside factors and fluctuating third-party perceptions. The cheers that once made us happy can disappear quickly, leaving us yearning for more.

The Beauty of Intrinsic Happiness

The Art of Contentment

Contrarily, intrinsic happiness is independent of outside forces. It is the kind of contentment that comes from within us, independent of outside approval or other people's perspectives. True happiness cannot be found in the possession of others; it must be dev
eloped within. This is understood by those who have mastered the art of contentment.

The Role of Contentment

The Art of ContentmentBeing content does not mean giving up on goals or disliking accomplishments from the outside world. It is a way of being where, regardless of the outside world, we experience joy and peace in the here and now. It is the capacity to enjoy life's simple pleasures, to express gratitude for what we have, and to derive satisfaction from the journey itself.

Cultivating Contentment

1.Gratitude : Every day, be grateful. Think about the big and little things you have to be grateful for.

2.Mindfulness : Take up mindfulness as a lifestyle choice. Savour the experiences as they come by being fully present in each moment.

3.Acceptance : Acknowledge your flaws and learn to accept yourself as you are. Contentment is built on the foundation of self-acceptance.

4.Simplicity : Make life simpler. Let go of pointless distractions and desires in order to concentrate on what matters most.

5.Connection : Develop deep connections with others. Our sense of wellbeing is influenced by social connections and ties.

The Paradox of Contentment

The Art of ContentmentThe paradox of contentment is that we frequently become more praiseworthy in other people's eyes when we learn to be content with who we are and where we are in life. People are drawn to us because of our outward manifestations of inner contentment and joy. The beauty of intrinsic happiness is that it has a positive influence on not only our own lives but also those around us.


It is crucial to keep in mind that true happiness is found in the art of contentment in a world that frequently measures success by external standards. However, cultivating intrinsic happiness is a lifelong journey that leads to lasting fulfilment. While seeking praise and recognition has its place, it is not the only option. People who are deserving of praise might find happiness in the company of others, but content people find a deep and enduring happiness that lies within themselves.

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